

Zamanları oluştururken fiillerin sonlarına -ed, -s, -ing eklenir.
Bunların fiillere eklenmesiyle ilgili kurallar şöyledir.

-ed eklenmesi

Düzenli fiillerin ikinci ve üçüncü hallerini oluştururken kullanılır.

walk walked walked
open opened opened

-ing almayan fiiller

İngilizcede bazı fiiller, süreklilik kavramı veren zamanlarla kullanılamaz, yani -ing takısı almazlar.
Bu tip fiiller genellikle insanların istek ve iradeleri dışında kendiliğinden olan, çaba gerektirmeyen, duyu, his, düşünme fiilleridir.

Have sahip olmak
See görmek
Hear işitmek
Smell kokusunu duymak
Feel hissetmek
Think zannetmek
Know bilmek
Understand anlamak
Remember hatırlamak
Forget unutmak
Want istemek
Wish arzu etmek
Forgive affetmek
Love sevmek
Hate nefret etmek
Like sevmek, hoşlanmak
Seem görünmek
belong to ait olmak

She has four sisters. Dört kız kardeşi var.
Do you hear the noise? Gürültüyü işitiyor musun?
The girl understands them now. Kız şimdi onları anlıyor.
I forget the new words quickly. Yeni sözcükleri çabuk unutuyorum.
She likes her dog very much. Köpeğini çok seviyor.


I am working / I'm working
you are working / you're working
he is working / he's working
she is working / she's working
It is working / it's working
we are working / we're working
you are working /you're working
they are working / they're working


I am not working / I'm not working / I'm not working
you are not working / you aren't working / you're not working
he is not working / he isn't working / he's not working
she is not working / she isn't working / she's not working
it is not working / it isn't working / it's not working
we are not working / we aren't working / we're not working
you are not working / you aren't working / you're not working
they are not working / they aren't working / they're not working

soru olumsuz soru
am I working? aren't I working?
are you working? aren't you working?
Is he working? isn't he working?
Is she working? isn't she working?
Is it working? isn't it working?
are we working? aren't we working?
are you working? aren't you working?
are they working? aren't they working?

1. Sözün söylendiği anda devam etmekte olan eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılır.

She is writing a letter now. Şimdi bir mektup yazıyor.
We are watching television. Televizyon seyrediyoruz.

2. Sözün söylendiği anda yapılıyor olmasa bile o sıralarda yapılmasına devam edilen eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılır.

I am learning English. ingilizce öğreniyorum.
She is reading a novel. Bir roman okuyorum.

3. Yakın bir gelecekte yapılması planlanmış eylemler çoğu zaman şimdiki zaman kipiyle anlatılır.
Bu cümleler içinde today, tonight, this evening, tomorrow gibi sözcüklere yer verilir.

We are going to London tonight. Bu akşam Londra'ya gidiyoruz.
What are you doing today? Bugün ne yapıyorsun?
She is leaving tomorrow. Yarın ayrılıyor.
Is she coming with you tonight? Bu akşam sizinle geliyor mu?
We're changing the curtains tomorrow. Perdeleri yarın değiştiriyoruz.

Level : Elementary bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Pre Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:


5) Present Continuous (1) (I'm eating)
6) Present Continuous (2) (Am I winning?)
15) Present Continuous for the future (He's working tomorrow)
2) Present Continuous (I'm working)
12) Present Continuous for the future (I'm leaving tomorrow)
2) Present Continuous (I'm eating)
Olumlu olumsuz
I work I do not work / I don't work
you work you do not work / you don't work
he works he does not work / he doesn't work
she works she does not work / she doesn't work
it works it does not work / it doesn't work
we work we do not work / we don't work
you work you do not work / you don't work
they work they do not work / they don't work

soru olumsuz soru
do I work don't I work?
do you work? don't you work?
does he work? doesn't he work?
does she work? doesn't she work?
does it work? doesn't it work?
do we work? don't we work?
do you work? don't you work?
do they work? don't they work?


1. Her zaman yapılan, tekrarlanan eylemleri gösterir.

The sun rises in the east. Güneş doğudan doğar.
I smoke twenty cigarettes a day. Günde yirmi sigara içerim.
We usually go to Bodrum in the summer. Biz genellikle Bodrum'a yazın gideriz.

Bu eylemler anlatılırken sıklık belirteçleri de kullanılır.

often sık sık
usually genellikle
always her zaman
sometimes bazen
generally genellikle
never asla, hiç
every her

They usually come on Friday. Genellikle cuma günü gelirler.
We sometimes go fishing in the winter. Bazen kışın balık tutmağa gideriz.
Harold doesn't generally join us. Harold genellikle bize katılmaz.
Do they often spend their I holidays in Italy? Tatillerini sık sık İtalya'da geçirirler mi?

Sıklık belirteçleri arasında bulunan never olumsuz bir anlam taşır, içinde bulunduğu olumlu cümleyi olumsuz yapar.

We never go there. Oraya hiç (asla) gitmeyiz.
She never telis lies. O hiç yalan söylemez.

2. Tiyatrodaki hareketlerin, tarihi olayların ya da bir masalın anlatımında bu zaman kullanılır.

The door opens and a policeman comes in. Kapı açılır ve bir polis içeri girer.
The war goes on for four years. Savaş dört yıl devam eder.
One day the old woman goes to the town. Bir gün yaşlı kadın kasabaya gider.

3. Geniş zaman koşul cümlelerinin birinci tipinde if ile başlayan bölümde kullanılır.
If they come, they'll call on us. (Gelirlerse bize uğrayacaklar.)

Level : Elementary bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Pre Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:


1) Be : Present Simple (1) (I am, I am not)
2) Be : Present Simple (2) (Am I ….?, Are you …?)
3) Present Simple (1) (I know, I don't know)
4) Present Simple (2) (Do you drive?)
7) Present Simple (I work) or Present Continuous (I'm working)
1) Present Simple (I start)
3) Present Simple (I go) or Present Continuous (I'm going)
1) Present Simple (I know)
3) Present Simple (I work) or Present Continuous (I'm working)
7) Present Simple, Past Simple and used to (I used to know)
Olumlu olumsuz
I drank I did not drink / I didn't drink
you drank you did not drink / you didn't drink
he drank he did not drink / he didn't drink
she drank she did not drink / she didn't drink
it drank it did not drink / it didn't drink
we drank we did not drink / we didn't drink
you drank you did not drink / you didn't drink
they drank they did not drink / they didn't drink

soru olumsuz soru
did I drink? didn't I drink?
did you drink? didn't you drink?
did he drink? didn't he drink?
did she drink? didn't she drink?
did it drink? didn't it drink?
did we drink? didn't we drink?
did you drink? didn't you drink?
did they drink? didn't they drink?


1. Geçmiş zaman kipi geçmiş bir zaman içinde yapılıp bitmiş eylemleri anlatmak için kullanılır.

She went to the library yesterday. Dün kütüphaneye gitti.
We saw them last week. Onları geçen hafta gördük.
The birds left England in September. Kuşlar İngiltere'yi eylülde terk ettiler.

2. Zamanı verilmeyen, ancak geçmiş bir zaman aralığı içinde yapılıp bitmiş bir eylemi anlatmak için de geçmiş zaman kipi kullanılır.

She stayed at this hospital for two months. Bu hastanede iki ay kaldı. (Şimdi kalmıyor.)
Our family lived in Dublin before the war. Savaştan önce ailemiz Dublin'de yaşadı. (Şimdi yaşamıyor.)

3. Bir hikâye anlatımında da yukarıdaki şekilde kullanılan geçmiş zaman kipinde filler bazen Türkçeye sürekli geçmiş zaman gibi çevrilebilirler.
The King was a bad man but he loved his country.
(Kral kötü bir adamdı fakat ülkesini seviyordu.)

Level : Elementary bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Pre Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:


9) Be : Past Simple (I was, they were)
10) Past Simple (I played, I didn't play)
4) Past simple (I walked, she rang)
8) Past Simple (I lived) or Present Perfect (I have lived)
5) Past Simple (I walked)
6) Past Simple (I waited) or Past Continuous (I was waiting)
7) Present Simple, Past Simple and used to (I used to know)
10) Past Simple or Present Perfect (2); ago, for, since
Olumlu olumsuz
I was working I was not working / I wasn't working
you were working you were not working / you weren't working
he was working he was not working / he wasn't working
she was working she was not working / she wasn't working
it was working it was not working / it wasn't working
we were working we were not working / we weren't working
you were working you were not working / you weren't working
they were working they were not working / they weren't working

soru olumsuz soru
was I working? wasn't I working?
were you working? weren't you working?
was he working? wasn't he working?
was she working? wasn't she working?
was it working? wasn't it working?
were we working? weren't we working?
were you working? weren't you working?
were they working? weren't they working?

1. Geçmişte belirli bir süre devam etmiş eylemleri belirtir. When'li cümlecikle kullanıldığında bu cümlecik belirli geçmiş zamanda olur.

I was having breakfast at 10. Saat onda kahvaltı yapıyordum.
When we went out it was snowing. Dışarı çıktığımızda kar yağıyordu.
The girl was washing her face when her mother called. Annesi seslendiği zaman kız yüzünü yıkıyordu.
My son was still sleeping when I arrived at his house. Evine vardığımda oğlum hâlâ uyuyordu.

Bu tip cümlelerde while sözcüğü de kullanılır.
I heard a noise while I was passing by their house.
(Evlerinin yanından geçerken bir gürültü işittim.)

2. Geçmişte bir eylem sürekli olarak yapılmaktayken diğer bir eylem de aynı zamanda sürekli olarak yapılmaktaysa her ikisi de sürekli geçmiş zaman halinde söylenir.
She was reading a paper while her husband was watching TV.
(Kocası televizyon seyrediyorken o bir gazete okuyordu.)

Level : Pre Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:


5) Past Continuous (I was waiting)
Olumlu olumsuz
I have drunk / I've drunk I have not drunk / I haven't drunk / I've not drunk
you have drunk / you've drunk you have not drunk / you haven't drunk / you've not drunk
he has drunk / he's drunk he has not drunk / he hasn't drunk / he's not drunk
she has drunk / she's drunk she has not drunk / she hasn't drunk / she's not work
it has drunk / it's drunk it has not drunk / it hasn't drunk / it's not drunk
we have drunk / we've drunk we have not drunk / we haven't drunk / we've not drunk
you have drunk /you've drunk you have not drunk / you haven't drunk / you've not drunk
they have drunk / they've drunk they have not drunk / they haven't drunk / they've not drunk

soru olumsuz soru
have I drunk? haven't I drunk?
have you drunk? haven't you drunk?
has he drunk? hasn't he drunk?
has she drunk? hasn't she drunk?
has it drunk? hasn't it drunk?
have we drunk? haven't we drunk?
have you drunk? haven't you drunk?
have they drunk? haven't they drunk?


1. Belirsiz geçmiş zaman geçmişte yapılmış bir eylemin şimdiki zamanda sonucu veya etkisidir. Anlatılan, geçmişteki olayın ne zaman ve nasıl yapıldığı değil, bu olayın şu anda var olan etki ve sonuç uzantısıdır.
We cleaned the tables last week. (Masaları geçen hafta temizledik.)
Bu cümlede geçen hafta temizleme hareketi yaptığımız anlatılmaktadır. Bu olayın şu anla bir ilgisi yoktur.
We have cleaned the tables. (Masaları temizledik.)
(Masaları temizlemiş durumdayız.)
cümlesinde anlatılan şey ise, masaları temizleme gibi bir harekette bulunmuş olmamız değil, şu anda masaların temiz durumda oluşudur.

She has done her homework. Ev ödevini yaptı. (Ev ödevi şimdi hazır.)
The students have seen the lion in the zoo. Öğrenciler hayvanat bahçesindeki aslanı gördüler.
The gardener has planted new flowers. Bahçıvan yeni çiçekler dikti.
I have eaten the cake in the kitchen. Mutfaktaki pastayı yedim.

2. Bir eylemin hemen biraz önce yapıldığı anlatılırken belirsiz geçmiş zaman just ile kullanılır.

She has just met her husband. Biraz önce kocasına rastladı.
They have just gone out. Biraz önce çıktılar.

3. Kesin oluş zamanı bilinmeyen veya söylenmesine gerek duyulmayan hallerde belirsiz geçmiş zaman kullanılır.
I have been to England. (İngiltere'de bulundum.)
Bu cümlelerdeki eylemlerin yapılış zamanı cümle içinde verilecek olursa bu cümlelerin geçmiş zaman haline dönüşmesi şarttır.
I went to England two years ago. (İngiltere'ye iki yıl önce gittim.)
4. Yet, lately, recently sözcükleri geçmişte yapılmış bir eylemi şimdiki zamana bağlayan bir anlam taşıdıkları için belirsiz geçmiş zamanla kullanılırlar.
We have seen some changes roeently.
(Yakınlarda bazı değişiklikler gördük.)
Cümlede this morning (afternoon, week, month, year), today, tonight gibi zamanı şimdiye bağlayan zaman belirteçleri olduğunda da belirsiz geçmiş zaman kullanılır.
Have you read the papers this morning?
(Bu sabah gazeteleri okudun mu?)

5. Geçmişte başlamış halen de devam etmekte olan bir durumu anlatmak için kullanılır.

I've studied German for six months. Altı aydır Almanca çalışıyorum.
How long have you been here? Ne kadardır buradasın?

6. Ever ve never belirteçleri çoğu kez soru veya olumsuz halde belirsiz geçmiş zaman cümlelerinde kullanılırlar.

She has never studied her lessons. Derslerini hiç (hiçbir zaman) çalışmadı.
Have you evertried to paint the walls. Duvarları boyamayı hiç denediniz mi?

7. Since ve for belirsiz geçmiş zaman yapısında çok kullanılan iki edattır. For belli bir süre belirtir.

I have lived in Paris for two years. Paris'te iki yıldır oturmaktayım.
The farmers have prayed for rain since April. Çiftçiler nisandan beri yağmur için dua etmekteler. (Halen ediyorlar.)
Mary has been here since one o'clock. Mary saat birden beri buradadır.

Level : Elementary bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Pre Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:



11) Present Perfect (1) (I have gone, I haven't gone)
12) Present Perfect (2) (Has she gone?); ever, never, yet just
6) Present Perfect (I've finished); for, since
7) Present Perfect with just, already, yet
8) Present Perfect (I have eaten)
11) Present Perfect Simple (I have done) or Present Perfect Continuous (I have been doing)
I have been drinking / I've been drinking
you have been drinking / you've been drinking
he has been drinking / he's been drinking
she has been drinking / she's been drinking
it has been drinking / it's been drinking
we have been drinking / we've been drinking
you have been drinking /you've been drinking
they have been drinking / they've been drinking


you have not been drinking / you haven't been drinking
he has not been drinking / he hasn't been drinking
she has not drinking / she hasn't been drinking
it has not been drinking / it hasn't been drinking
we have not been drinking / we haven't been drinking
you have not been drinking / you haven't been drinking
they have not been drinking / they haven't been drinking

soru olumsuz soru
have I been drinking? haven't I been drinking?
have you been drinking? haven't you been drinking?
has he been drinking? hasn't he been drinking?
has she been drinking? hasn't she been drinking?
has it been drinking? hasn't it been drinking?
I have we been drinking? haven't we been drinking?
have you been drinking? haven't you been drinking?
have they been drinking? haven't they been drinking?


1. Geçmişte başlayıp halen devam etmekte olan veya yine geçmişte başlayıp biraz önce tamamlanmış olan eylemler bu zamanla anlatılır.

We have been walking for ten hours. On saattir yürümekteyiz.
He has been crying for half an hour. Yarım saattir ağlamakta.

2. Belirsiz geçmiş zamanda olduğu gibi sürekli belirsiz geçmiş zaman cümlelerinde de since ve for sık görülür.

They have been waiting since five o'clock. Saat beşten beri beklemekteler.
She has been sleeping for ten hours. On saattir uyumakta.

Level : Pre Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:


9) Present Perfect Continuous (I've been cooking)
Olumlu olumsuz
I had drunk / I'd drunk I had not drunk / I hadn't drunk
you had drunk / you'd drunk you had not drunk / you hadn't drunk
had drunk / he'd drunk he had not drunk / he hadn't drunk
she had drunk / she'd drunk she had not drunk / she hadn't drunk
it had drunk / it'd drunk it had not drunk / it hadn't drunk
we had drunk / we'd drunk we had not drunk / we hadn't drunk
you had drunk /you'd drunk you had not drunk / you hadn't drunk
they had drunk / they'd drunk they had not drunk / they hadn't drunk

soru olumsuz soru
had I drunk? hadn't I drunk?
had you drunk? hadn't you drunk?
had ne drunk? hadn't he drunk?
had she drunk? hadn't she drunk?
had it drunk? hadn't it drunk?
had we drunk? hadn't we drunk?
had you drunk? hadn't you drunk?
had they drunk? hadn't they drunk?


1. Bu zaman, geçmişte olan bir eylemi yine geçmişte olan bir noktaya bağlar. Bu noktadan önce o eylemin yapılması bitmiş durumdadır. Bu an çoğu zaman ikinci bir eylemin yapıldığı zamandır.

When the rain stopped we had arrived in the city. Yağmur durduğu zaman şehre varmıştık.
After she had written the letter she went to the post office. Mektubu yazdıktan sonra postaneye gitti.

2. Bu zamanda eylemin yeri ve zamanı belirtilebilir.

We had seen them last week. Onları geçen hafta görmüştük.
You had kept the money in a small box. Parayı küçük bir kutuda muhafaza etmiştiniz.

3. I wish, if only, would rather, would sooner gibi deyimlerle geçmişi belirtmek için kullanılabilir.

I wish you had seen that film. Keşke o filmi görseydin.
I wish you I had stayed with her longer. Keşke onunla daha uzun süre kalsaydım.
If only my wife had learnt some English. Keşke karım biraz İngilizce öğrenseydi.
Mary would rather that she hadn't accepted his offer. Mary onun teklifini kabul etmemiş olmayı tercih ederdi.
I would rather that she hadn't left yesterday. Dün onun gitmemiş olmasını tercih ederdim.

Level : Pre Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:

Level : Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:


10) Past Perfect (I had finished)
9) Past Perfect (I ate) or Present Perfect (I have eaten) (1)
12) Past Perfect (I had eaten)
I had been drinking / I'd been drinking
you had been drinking / you'd been drinking
he had been drinking / he'd been drinking
she had been drinking / she'd been drinking
it had been drinking / it'd been drinking
we had been drinking / we'd been drinking
you had been drinking /you'd been drinking
they had been drinking /they'd been drinking


I had not been drinking / I hadn't been drinking
you had not been drinking / you hadn't been drinking
he had not been drinking / he hadn't been drinking
she had not been drinking / she hadn't been drinking
it had not been drinking / it hadn't been drinking
we had not been drinking / we hadn't been drinking
you had not been drinking / you hadn't been drinking
they had not been drinking / they hadn't been drinking

soru olumsuz soru
had I been drinking? hadn't I been drinking?
had you been drinking? hadn't you been drinking?
had he been drinking? hadn't he been drinking?
had she been drinking? hadn't she been drinking?
had it been drinking? hadn't it been drinking?
had we been drinking? hadn't we been drinking?
had you been drinking? hadn't you been drinking?
had they been drinking? hadn't they been drinking?


Bu zaman, geçmişteki bir noktadan başlayıp yine geçmişteki belli bir noktaya dek süregelen işleri anlatmak için kullanılır.
Bu zamanla birlikte kullanılan cümlecikler, belirli geçmiş zamanda kurulur.
Bu zamanla yalnızca süreklilik gösteren eylemler kullanılabilir ve genellikle bu eylemlerin geçmişte ne kadar sürdüğü belirtilir.

She had been working in the kitchen when Tom came. Tom geldiği zaman o mutfakta çalışmaktaydı.
He had been running for half an hour before he stopped to have a rest. Dinlenmek için durmadan önce yarım saattir koşuyordu (koşmaktaydı).
The car was clean because she had been cleaning it for hours. Otomobil temizdi, çünkü onu saatlerce temizlemekteydi.



I will have drunk / I'll have drunk
you will have drunk / you'll have drunk
he will have drunk / he'll have drunk
she will have drunk / she'll have drunk
it will have drunk / it'll have drunk
we will have drunk / we'll have drunk
you will have drunk /you'll have drunk
they will have drunk / they'll have drunk


I will not have drunk / I won't have drunk
you will not have drunk / you won't have drunk
he will not have drunk / he won't have drunk
she will not have drunk / she won't have drunk
it will not have drunk / it won't have drunk
We will not have drunk / we won't have drunk
you will not have drunk / you won't have drunk
they will not have drunk / they won't have drunk

soru olumsuz soru
will I have drunk? won't I have drunk?
will you have drunk? won't you have drunk?
Will he have drunk? won't he have drunk?
will she have drunk? won't she have drunk?
will it have drunk? won't it have drunk?
will we have drunk? won't we have drunk?
will you have drunk? won't you have drunk?
will they have drunk? won't they have drunk?

Bir eylemin gelecekteki belli bir zamandan önce yapılıp tamamlanarak sözü edilen bu zaman noktasında geçmiş bir eylem durumunda kalacağını anlatmak için kullanılır.

I will have seen them before nine o'clock. Onları saat dokuzdan önce görmüş olacağım.
The match will have started before we reach there. Biz oraya varmadan önce maç başlamış olacak.
She will have learnt the truth tomorrow. Yarın gerçeği öğrenmiş olacak.
He won't have finished his home-work when his father comes. Babası geldiği zaman ev ödevini bitirmiş olmayacak.
We won't have seen everything until ten o'clock. Saat ona kadar her şeyi görmüş olmayacağız.
The workers won't have stopped working when the boss comes. Patron geldiği zaman işçiler çalışmayı bırakmış olmayacaklar.
Will you have repaired our car before noon? Otomobilimizi öğlenden önce tamir etmiş olacak mısınız?
Will Frank have missed the train if he comes at seven o'clock? Saat yedide gelirse Frank treni kaçırmış olacak mı?
Won't you have written the letter by five o'clock? Mektubu saat beşe kadar yazmış olmayacak mısın?
Won't she have cleaned the rooms before nine? Odaları dokuzdan önce temizlemiş olmayacak mı?


Olumlu olumsuz
I will work / I'll work I will not work / I won't work
you will work / you'll work you will not work / you won't work
he will work / he'll work he will not work / he won't work
she will work / she'll work she will not work / she won't work
it will work / it'll work it will not work / it won't work
we will work / we'll work we will not work / we won't work
you will work /you'll work you will not work / you won't work
they will work / they'll work they will not work / they won't work

soru olumsuz soru
will I work? won't I work?
will you work? won't you work?
will he work? won't he work?
will she work? won't she work?
will it work? won't it work?
will we work? won't we work?
will you work? won't you work?
will they work? won't they work?

Not: I ve we ile shall (olumsuzda shan't) da kullanılabilir.


1. Sözü söyleyen kişinin gelecekte olacağını düşündüğü eylemleri anlatmak kullanılır.

I think they'll come soon. Zannederim yakında gelecekler.
The theatre will open this week. Tiyatro bu hafta açılacak.

2. Yapılması veya meydana gelmesi olağan eylemler için kullanılır.
The snow will cover the roads in February.
(Şubatta kar yolları kaplayacak (kaplar).)
3. Birinci tip koşul cümlelerinde, if in bulunmadığı ana cümlecikte kullanılır.
If you run, you'll get tired. (Koşarsan yorulursun.)
4. Konuşma anında verilen kararları belirtmek için kullanılır.
I'm thirsty. I'll drink some water. (Susadım. Biraz su içeceğim.)

Level : Intermediate bölümünde bağlantılı konular:



13) Future : will, be going to, Present Continuous and Simple
I will be working / I'll be working
you will be working / you'll be working
he will be working / he'll be working
she will be working / she'll be working
it will be working / it'll be working
we will be working / we'll be working
you will be working /you'll be working
they will be working / they'll be working


I will not be working / I won't be working
you will not be working / you won't be working
he will not be working / he won't be working
she will not working / she won't be working
it will not be working / it won't be working
we will not be working / we won't be working
you will not be working / you won't be working
they will not be working / they won't be working

soru olumsuz soru
will I be working? won't I be working?
will you be working? won't you be working?
will he be working? won't he be working?
will she be working? won't she be working?
will it be working? won't it be working?
will we be working? won't we be working?
will you be working? won't you be working?
will they be working? won't they be working?

Not: I ve we ile shall (olumsuzda shan't) da kullanılabilir.


1. Gelecek bir zamanda bir eylemin yapılmaya devam ediliyor olacağını gösterir.
She will be sitting with her friends at this time tomorrow. Yarın bu vakitte arkadaşlarıyla oturuyor olacak.

2. Önceden planlanmayıp, yapılması olağan bir gelecek zaman eylemini anlatır.
She'll be going to church. (Kiliseye gidecek.)

3. Bir eylemin bir süre sonra devamlı olarak yapılabilir duruma gelişini anlatmak için kullanılır.
After two months I'll be driving my own car.
(İki ay sonra kendi otomobilimi kullanıyor olacağım.)



I will have been working / I’ll have been working
you will have been working / you'll have been working
he will have been working / he'll have been working
she will have been working / she'll have been working
it will have been working / it'll have been working
we will have been working / we'll have been working
you will have been working /you'll have been working
they will have been working / they'll have been working


I will not have been working / I won't have been working
you will not have been working / you won't have been working
he will not have been working / he won't have been working
she will not have been working / she won't have been working
it will not have been working / it won't have been working
we will not have been working / we won't have been working
you will not have been working / you won't have been working
they will not have been working / they won't have been working

soru olumsuz soru
will I have been working? won't I have been working?
will you have been working? won't you have been working?
will he have been working? won't he have been working?
will she have been working? won't she have been working?
will it have been working? won't it have been working?
will we have been working? won't we have been working?
will you have been working? won't you have been working?
will they have been working? won't they have been working?

Not: I ve we ile shall (olumsuzda shan't) da kullanılabilir.


Bir eylemin gelecekte belirli bir ana dek ne kadar zaman aralığını kapsayacağını anlatmak için kullanılır.

I will have been studying for five hours by two o'clock. Saat iki olunca beş saattir ders çalışıyor olacağım.
On June 25 l'll have been learning English for 6 months. Haziranın yirmi beşinde altı aydır ingilizce öğreniyor olacağım.
He'll have been teaching here for ten years when you retire. Sen emekli olduğunda o burada on yıldır öğretmenlik yapıyor olacak.



I am going to work / I'm going to work
you are going to work / you're going to work
he is going to work / he's going to work
she is going to work / she's going to work
it is going to work / it's going to work
we are going to work / we're going to work
you are going to work /you're going to work
they are going to work / they're going to work


I am not going to work / I'm not going to work
you are not going to work / you aren't going to work
he is not going to work / he isn't going to work
she is not going to work / she isn't going to work
it is not going to work / it isn't going to work
Ekleyen: by_ram | Okunma Sayısı: 2441
Çözümlü Sorular
9.Sınıf Biyoloji Soruları ve Çözümleri
9.Sınıf Türk Dili ve Edebiyatı Soruları ve Çözümleri
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