Bazı sıfatlar edat + isim alabilirler.
I'm |
afraid |
of |
dogs. |
Köpeklerden korkuyorum. |
She's |
good |
at |
maths. |
Matematikte iyidir. |
afraid of: I'm afraid of my teacher.
angry with: John is very angry with me.
annoyed with: I was annoyed with my sister.
brilliant at: Jenny is brilliant at maths.
busy with: Tom was busy with his work.
careless with: Bill is careless with his money.
cruel to: Ann's mother was cruel to her.
famous for: France is famous for its cheese.
fond of: Peter is very fond of children.
frightened of: Our cat is frightened of your dog.
full of: The rooms were full of old furniture.
good at: Are you good at sport?
grateful for: They are grateful for our help.
interested in: She's interested in old coins.
keen on: He's very keen on chess.
kind to: Your sister was very kind to us.
lucky at: I'm often lucky at games.
pleased with: Ian was pleased with the result.
proud of: They're proud of their children.
sure about:Are you sure about her name?
surprised by: I was surprised by her anger.
afraid of: Öğretmenimden korkuyorum.
angry with: John bana kızıyordur.
annoyed with: Kızkardeşimden rahatsız oluyordum.
brilliant at: Jenny matematikte harikadır.
busy with: Tom işiyle meşguldu.
careless with: Bill onun parasıyla ilgisizdir.
cruel to: Ann'ın annesi ona acımasızdı.
famous for: Fransa peyniriyle ünlüdür.
fond of: Peter çocuklara çok düşkündür.
frightened of: Kedimiz köpeğinizden korkuyordur.
full of: Odalar eski mobilyayla doluydu.
good at: Sporda iyi misiniz?
grateful for: Yardımımız için minnettarlar.
interested in: Eski parayla ilgilidir.
keen on: Satrançta çok heveslidir.
kind to: Kızkardeşiniz bize karşı çok nazikti.
lucky at: Oyunlarda genellikle şanslıyımdır.
pleased with: Ian sonuca memnun oldu.
proud of: Çocuklarıyla gurur duyuyorlar.
sure about: Onun isminden emin misiniz?
surprised by: Öfkesine şaşırıyordum.
Bazı sıfatlar < edat+ an - ing > kalıbı ile kullanılır.
-ing form |
He was |
sick |
of |
washing. |
I'm not very |
good |
at |
running. |
Çok iyi koşamam. |
Robert is very |
fond |
of |
talking. |
Robert konuşmaya düşkündür. |
Anne is |
used |
to |
working. |
Anne çalışmaya alışkındır. |
( = She often works at night, and she doesn't mind it.)
( = Geceleyin sık sık çalışır ve onu önemsemez.)
Bazı sıfatlar edat olmaksızın sadece -ing formu ile kullanılabilirler.
no good
not worth
-ing form |
They were |
busy |
getting. |
Hazırlamakla meşgulduler. |
It's no |
good |
worrying about the weather. |
O kötü hava hakkında endişelenmez. |
It's not |
worth |
taking the car; we can walk. |
Arabaya binmeye değmez; yürüyebiliriz. |
Bu Kategoride En Çok Ziyaret Edilenler
- 31) What .. like? (What's she like?)
- 20) Probability: must, can't, may, might, could
- 21) Obligation : must, have to, mustn't, don't have to
- 39) Adjective + preposition (angry with, afraid of)
- 13) Future : will, be going to, Present Continuous and Simple
- 23) Advice: should, ought to, had better
- 41) Since, for, ago; first, last
- 36) A / an, some, any or the
- 19) Can, could, be able to, may, will, shall
- 3) Present Simple (I work) or Present Continuous (I'm working)
Ekleyen: by_ram | Okunma Sayısı: 10247